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Tips of Solo Female Travel in India | Essential Travel Tips From Local Women

Traveling solo to India? Here are 5 essential travel tips for solo female travelers traveling to India from local women.

  1. Choose Your Travel Agent Wisely

    When you are planning to travel to India, you should always book your trip with a reliable and reputed travel company. As travelling solo for any woman is quite risky, booking your tour in advance with a trusted travel agent will make it safer. We suggest you to check online for the best travel company that offers good solo female travel packages. Also, you can get good deals on small group tours which are also safe for solo female travelers. Read the reviews well and confirm your booking.

  2. Be Culturally Aware

    India is a mix of tradition and culture. It is a lot different from the Western culture and thus, you need to know the culture well so that you do not feel out of the place. You need to embrace the differences and go with the flow. If you adopt the culture and act accordingly then you won’t find many issues while traveling solo to any part of India. Just try your best to fit in with Indian culture and enjoy your travel.

  3. Avoid Travelling or Roaming Unaccompanied At Night

    Do not travel alone anywhere in India. Solo women travelers should remain safe in India by not traveling alone to any place at night. Also, avoid reaching to any new place at night as it is not at all safe. If you want to travel at night make sure to be accompanied by friends otherwise do not travel alone at night. Also, try to avoid taking any public transport at night. It’s better to take private cabs like Ola in which the travel is tracked.

  4. Keep an Active Mobile Phone with You

    Make sure to have an active mobile phone with you always. Travelling solo in India is already a huge task. So, you should keep an active mobile phone with you so that you can stay connected with your near and dear ones in any situation. Also, you need a cell phone for different types of things like for booking a hotel or talking to your travel agent, etc. Also, you can make use of Google maps for any type of guidance.

  5. Always Be Confident and Assertive

    The most important thing that you need to take care of is to be always confident. Do not be polite and stand up for yourself. If you find anyone eve teasing you then shout at them so that they feel shameful in public. Be assertive in what you are asking for. Do not get fooled by believing on unknown people. And being polite is usually taken as a sign of weakness so keep in mind to be confident all the time. Don’t be afraid; just be confident.
    So whenever you are planning a solo trip to India, keep in mind these essential travel tips that will make your travel easier and safer.